Your Operations Manual made easy…and fully compliant!
It’s true. After endless requests, Graham Degg, Eyeup’s founder, has created a CAP 722A and 722H compliant operations manual solution for all PDRA01 Operational Authorisation holders.
Making life easier
Many operator’s struggle with the annual operations manual update process. 2023 has been a particularly tough year due to wholesale changes introduced by the launch of CAP 722A and CAP 722H last December. The CAA has refused to offer advice to operators, preferring instead that they read and understand several documents (CAP 722, CAP 722A, and the newly introduced CAP 722H and AMC/GM documents). This is an inefficient and unnecessary task for busy people who just need to understand what is required to operate safely and legally.
When you receive your Eyeup PDRA01 manual, you will also receive a welcome letter. This requests that you familiarise yourself with your new manual. But on top of this it points you towards specific sections that will have changed based on the CAA’s approach outlined in the new “722” document set.
The manual also includes a detailed “static risk assessment”. This is the standard document providing details of the standard mitigations required under CAP 722H…an essential part of a detailed Risk Assessment & Method Statement (RAMS).
CAP 722A and CAP 722H Compliant
What does this level of compliance mean? Many operators are working to legacy formats that may have been through years of piecemeal updates. The release of CAP 722A (which provides the format) and CAP 722H, (which details the risk assessment) has given Eyeup the chance to generate a brand new Operations Manual from the ground up. Everything will be included that is required by the regulator. We don’t “strip out” sections or subjects that we don’t believe are important. Many operators who have used manual writing services in the past have suddenly found that chunks that were removed that need to be re-inserted.
How easy is it?
Simply click here, complete the form and email your current manual to