
Review of 2024

Sick to the back teeth of “A lookback at…” review articles? My hope and desire is that by leaving this one for a couple of weeks into 2025, you’ll have generated some sort of immunity to review pieces by now. As a small drone operator, working in the Specific Category in particular, it can often…

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On Guard!

On guard! Propeller guards and why experienced operators should consider them. Do me a favour.  Pop onto any social media drone group and ask whether prop guards are worth having?  The response you get will tend to vary between “why would you even bother?” through “you should learn to fly”, to “definitely not”.  More enlightened…

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Oversight report of CAP 722H version 2

Oversight report of CAP 722H version 2 Edit: 14/11/2023 – Oversight report updated .  Additional observation. I’ll start this article with a health warning.  Reading it is not for the faint-hearted, particularly if you click on the link to the actual oversight report.  The report is necessarily technical in nature and is intended to alert…

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Welcome to The Eyeup Operations Manual solution

Your Operations Manual made easy…and fully compliant! It’s true.  After endless requests, Graham Degg, Eyeup’s founder, has created a CAP 722A and 722H compliant operations manual solution for all PDRA01 Operational Authorisation holders. Making life easier Many operator’s struggle with the annual operations manual update process.  2023 has been a particularly tough year due to…

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Roles and Responsibilities…or Who the hell are all these people?!

Accountable managers Accountable Managers are common in aviation and it is a very responsible position. If you hold a permission from the CAA, (commonly referred to as a PfCO), or a GVC (General VLOS Certificate), you’ll know all about the role of the Accountable Manager right?.  That’s because every Operations Manual is signed by the…

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CAA Releases Guidance for Operators – BVLOS in Support of COVID-19 Response

The CAA has today released a CAP document to provide guidance to operators seeking to support the emergency services during the COVID-19 outbreak and who require the ability to take part in Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BLVOS) operations. The CAA recently released ORS4 1361, rapidly retracted and replaced with ORS4 1375.  These general exemptions…

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Support our NHS

Eyeup Aerial Solutions were out on Thursday evening showing our support for the NHS.  Despite being incredibly busy we were able to string together a “ring of blue”, the NHS colour, and fly it above Ashtead. The neighbouring community was been alerted in advance to the presence of the drone and had even provided some…

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