The more I network…
Here is a story I’ve told before but I’ll tell it again.
When I first started Eyeup Aerial Solutions I took advice from a number of people, both professionals and trusted friends (and some who fit into both categories).
One piece of advice I got was to avoid getting involved with other local operators. The idea was that they were the competition and although I may learn from them, I may also give away valuable information about my own operations. This may be true, but it is not the way I look at things now.
Yes, when you talk to another operator, it is possible they will learn something about your operation that may help them somehow. But if you are learning something that may help your operation, you may both consider that a fair trade. If you are both able to operate more effectively, or provide a better quality product, then the image of drones will be improved and everybody wins.
Fortunately, I wasn’t in the industry long before I started to get kind of lonely and found myself out and about chatting with other professionals. And do you know what? I started to benefit straight away. For instance I learned that it wasn’t necessary to take a separate course to add night flights to my operations manual. Since then I have only ever improved my business through meeting and chatting with like-minded folk.
So where do I meet other operators?
You can join Facebook groups. These tend not to be curated and if you ask a question you need to build some experience before you have any idea whose responses you can trust for accuracy. The less experienced you are, the longer this will take, but there are some great groups out there such as A2 CofC Operators and Commercial Drone Pilots (UK).
Or, there may be a better way…
Over the past few months I have been working closely with Sean Hickey of Geeksvana. Sean is one of the best connected people I have ever met in the industry…or anywhere for that matter. He also has the sort of integrity and professionalism I am proud to work alongside.
Together, we have launched two new membership levels for the existing Geeksvana channel. These allow those with a focus on the commercial aspects of drones to take a deep dive into what interests us, without cluttering the main Geeksvana content, which has always had a wider, more hobby focussed appeal.
We will be looking at the ever changing face of the regulatory environment, interviewing fascinating industry folk, providing a place to come and chew the fat about our favourite subjects (flying drones and cutting invoices), and perhaps, just perhaps, having some fun.
There is an even an exclusive blog site with exclusive content such as template material to help you with your operations manual.
What the levels mean
The two networks will have some crossover material, but they will also have their own focus. They are designed to reflect the legal categories that cover most drone operators.
Open for Business (at £6.99/month) is primarily aimed at those operating in the Open category. You may be using a sub 250g drone with nothing but the minimum competence (you did read the manual, right?), or working up to the 2kg limit with an A2CofC. It doesn’t matter…if you want to earn money with your drone with few regulatory complications, this is the group to join.
The Very Specific Network (at £8.99/month) should grab the attention of operators either aiming towards the Specific category or already working under an Operational Authorisation. This covers a whole range of drones and tasks right up to OSC level stuff such as crop praying, flight at heights above 400ft and distances significantly beyond standard VLOS. But it also encompasses all those exciting TV and movie roles and what can be very lucrative inspection, survey and thermal use cases. Whatever you are doing with a drone in the Specific category, we will bring in the guests and provide additional content that can help you develop and improve your business.
One great advantage of the Very Specific Network is that it includes access to everything in Open for Business. How’s that for a bargain?
Both groups will also have their own channel on Discord so the chat can carry on at any time.
A new motto
So what’s my new motto?
The more I network, the more good things seem to happen…so network more!